Love, Rae
Love, Rae-
A journey through life. Discovering the WHYS and studying you. This is all about you. Self growth. Self Improvement. Growing each and every day. The good with the bad. Walking through faith rather than fear. YOU bringing back YOUR SPARK, YOU digging deeper into FINDING YOU and LOVING YOU, and YOU unlocking YOUR purpose and true potential.
Fridays 7:00 p.m EST.
Love, Rae. Instagram: theraelott
A journey through life. Discovering the WHYS and studying you. This is all about you. Self growth. Self Improvement. Growing each and every day. The good with the bad. Walking through faith rather than fear. YOU bringing back YOUR SPARK, YOU digging deeper into FINDING YOU and LOVING YOU, and YOU unlocking YOUR purpose and true potential.
Fridays 7:00 p.m EST.
Love, Rae. Instagram: theraelott
Love, Rae
Go to War With the Person in the Mirror
Season 1
Episode 3
You are your biggest critic. Your only competition is the person you look at when you look in the mirror. Go to war with yourself every day. Beat you. It is YOU vs. YOU.
SN: Please disregard my breathing lol.. my allergies were acting up terribly.